I have a Dream

"I have a dream" said Martin Luther King in his speech at the Lincoln Memorial on 28th August 1963 during March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. Well we all know how defining moment that was in American Civil Rights Movement. Martin Luther King had a dream that all African American citizens will be treated equally and given equal rights.

After almost forty years the great American dream got fulfilled when Barack Obama was selected as the forty forth president of United States of America. Dreams come true if we do dream at all. We should all dream for something in life.

Quite often times we are confronted with people who discourage us from dreaming and urge us to be practical. Yes we should be both practical and theoretical. Do Practical people don't dream? Dreams make you powerful, they give you the strength to fight. Dreams motivate you and get you through tougher times.

We will not work hard if we haven't set a goal for us. For those who do not understand the power of dreams don't understand the enormous power that lies within themselves. Dreams ignite that power within you.

We all should dream for something in life be it anything. Some might have a dream to go to Mars, find new planets, start a small business, make a movie and many more. Dreams defines your lifeline, you go ahead to extend your lifeline by dreams.

We should not be too possessed with our dreams though. One should just become an aspirer. One can be mislead by being possessive with ones dream.

Dreams today will be reality tomorrow and a Reality today will be History tomorrow.

So stretch your arms wide open to give a sweet hug your dreams.

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