Go Take A Break

Just in the midst of everything, go take a break. Why?  Your computer will hang up if many applications are running simultaneously.  It needs a refresh, a restart button.  Once restarted a computer will start working like new one.

We human beings are different from everything.  Once we take a break we start seeing everything differently.  Have you noticed that after returning from a long vacation everything appears different.  There is a newness to your surroundings.  And even people appear different.

Actually everything is just the same.  Nothing has changed.  Your view point changed.  It changes every time  when you look at a particular relationship, surrounding, a piece of art work hanging on the wall, a book.  You are a different person from morning to evening.  Even after sleeping you are a different individual, because you must have seen dreams.

As an artist I have observed an important human behavior.   Many times I was trying very hard to find an error in my sketch but I could not get it.  No matter whatever I did, it didn't work.  Sometimes it got even worse.  So I used to leave it as it is and come back after few hours or even days.  Now I could easily make out my errors and improve the drawing.

The thing is when your mind gets stuck into certain problem, you wont be able to see different aspects attached to it.  In my drawing example, my eyes got set on a particular portion of drawing which I drew excellent.  And then I couldn't see the mistakes.  And after certain time, my eyes were able to distinguish between what was error.

Seeing things as they are is the toughest challenge.   Natural human behavior doesn't allow you to do so.  You will realize the importance of your country when you are away from it.  You will miss somebody when that person is away from you.  If you feel nothing is working out, go take a break and give a fresh start.

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