Fill In The Gap

This is not an exam question that you will have answer by filling a Gap.  Every time I argue with someone about reading book they often say they are busy.  And I have even blogged on this before.  So you might even feel this talk redundant.

But I have an important insight.  It is also getting very difficult to manage your time and invest in reading when busyness is just a second nature.  But that is a challenge right.  And we knew about it.  But we never thought about a solution and just gave up.

The only way I am able to keep up with my reading is by just filling in the empty slots where I cannot do anything.  For example I take books along with me in bathroom.  It is an honest confession but in 10 mins I can zoom through lots of pages.  Even 10 mins before going to bed will get you reading more than 10 books in one year.  Isn't it a decent goal?  I think it is possible.

And also it is a matter of making a diligent effort slowly.  As the famous saying says, "Rome wasn't built in a day", I believe in doing small everyday.  Read a little, write a little but don't give up.  I think about every art and passion the same way.  If you want to do something different and new, then you will have to find out these gaps in your busy schedule and fill them in.

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